A few days ago

what is chronophile means?

i’m English II class. we learnin’ vocabs.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Angel N

Favorite Answer

I checked the dictionary and there is no such definition for the word chronophile. Do you mean chromophile? If you do, chromophile means a chromophil cell, tissue, or substance.

5 years ago
The word is yet to be accepted in the general dialect, but the word should ideally refer to a person who is fond of time keeping instruments. He probably has an affinity to collect and flaunt watches of different types.

A few days ago
“Chronophilia refers to a group of patterns of sexual arousal in which a person’s sexuoerotic age is discordant with his or her actual chronological age and is concordant with the age of the partner. The term was coined by John Money, from the Greek roots chronos and philia, literally, “love for a (certain) time period”.”