A few days ago

What is a conquibine?

What is a conquibine?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A concubine is a woman who lives with a man but is not married to him. Generally used when the man has a lot of wives and a lot of concubines because he is a rich man or powerful man.

A few days ago
old lady
It’s spelled concubine, and it means a woman who is not married to a man but who looks after his needs. It’s more than a mistress, because concubines may also tend to household matters. In some Asian cultures, it is quite common for a man to have an ‘official’ wife, who may have been given to him in an arranged marriage, and who he doesn’t really like much less love, and to have a concubine or two, who he has chosen and of whom he is very fond.

Children of concubines, in these situations, were recognized by their father and often inherited titles etc.


A few days ago
I think it is a misunderstood word. Concubine refers to what we might call a professional escort, although she would have much more highly respected than our society would consider that line of work today. She is not a prostitute, not a homemaker, not a wife. She is paid to provide entertainment, company, conversation, etc. to a gentleman.

A few days ago
Tracie F
A misstress

A few days ago
Kings and emperors have ‘concubines’.

Queens have ‘paramours’.