A few days ago

What does the U.S. Consition mean to you?

What does the U.S. Consition mean to you?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The Consition means nothing to me. The Constitution on the other hand means everything to me since it ensures I am allowed to live my life freely so long as I do not unfairly impinge on someone else’s right to do the same thing. A very important concept to have written down on paper rather than as an empty promise in the air.

A few days ago
It is simply the contract by which we Americans have agreed to live together. It was based upon the best knowledge of the time that it was written, with good intent, I would assume. And at the time, it might have seemed to be the very best contract for a form of government that had up to then been devised in order to allow more people (less wealthy and unlanded people) freedom to make a decent life for themselves without having to answer to anyone else, such as in paying rent to work a piece of land.

It’s still a really good contract, but I think it still has some flaws even after having been amended some.

There are times that I think that it has given too much decision making power to everyone equally, thus causing our country to have laws that are not wise. Maybe it was a better idea for only landed people to be able to vote, but I think that would be a bit extreme too. But it seems that there should be more requirements for people to be able to participate in self government, such as knowing simple things such as what the constitution is, and exactly what the branches of goverment do. Many people that vote and even get more involved in politics don’t know much at all about how our country is founded and runs. They don’t even know anything about the geography of our country, which is about the easiest thing to know! I think even our president doesn’t know the geography of the USA too well, which is really scary.

But don’t get my started! LOL


A few days ago
L. B.
U.S. ConsTITUTION is the most unique document in the world because it has made the United States the strongest country with the most freedoms in the world.

A few days ago
It means that I have the freedom to go to school as long as I want so I can learn all types of things like spelling, math, etc.

A few days ago
It means you’re free to go to school and learn to spell. Use Check Spelling if you have trouble spelling.

A few days ago
It means my tax dollars are being wasted on education. Please tell me what school district you are in so I can protest!

A few days ago
let’s see… it doesn’t mean anything to me cause there’s no such word.

A few days ago
the same thing it means to politicians… nothing.