A few days ago

What does the term mean “earning credit when credit is due”?

I can’t figure out what it means.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Reciving acknowledgement when it is deserved. If you do something, say something, invent somethin etc. you are acknowledged for the idea or for having that trait.

5 years ago
That “three credit hours.” It’s the average amount of credits for a class. Classes that take more of your time to study are sometimes 4-5 credits. Labs are 1-2 credits. It’s just a way for institutions to measure how deep and wide your knowledge and expertise is. So, 60 credits is a Associates Degree (1000-2000 level courses), a Bachelor’s Degree 120 (add 60 more from an AA, 3000-2000 courses), everything higher than 4000 level courses go for your Master’s Degree, Doctorate, MBA and professional degree. Now a days, you need so much knowledge and updates that you should be able to pick everything, but they still need you to use these standards in most colleges and universities — they do want to keep control enough to budget their costs of keeping their doors and programs open and their faculty and administration earning stable incomes. Evaluation of credits is more secular to find out about, but there is accreditation and it’s all about what you know and, also, can use in the work force.

A few days ago
give credit

1. Also, extend credit. Trust someone to pay at some future time what he or she owes. For example, I haven’t enough cash this month, so I hope they’ll give me credit. This use of credit dates from the mid-1500s.

2. Acknowledge an accomplishment, as in They really should give her credit for the work she’s done. [Late 1700s] The phrase is sometimes amplified to give credit where credit is due, meaning the acknowledgment should be to the person who deserves it. This expression was probably coined by Samuel Adams in a letter (October 29, 1777), which put it: “Give credit to whom credit due.” It is sometimes put give someone their due, as in We should really give Nancy her due for trying to sort out this mess.


A few days ago
You’ll receive praise/recognition/reward only when you perform the applicable actions to deserve it.