A few days ago
luis s

What does the letters of O.K. means?

I know that saying ok means good or yes but what do the letters stand for??

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer


Lots of copies of this one flying around tonight

It comes from Boston newspapers in 1839, when for some reason the started spelling All Correct as Orl Korrect.

The shortening of Okay answers are wrong, Okay came from OK, not the other way round

see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okay


A few days ago
It stands for “orl korrect” (19th century American spelling of “all correct”)

Of the many competing theories about the origins of OK, the one now most widely accepted is that the letters stand for oll or orl korrect , a facetious early-19th-century American phonetic spelling of all correct . This was reinforced by the fact that they were also coincidentally the initial letters of Old Kinderhook , the nickname of U.S. president Martin Van Buren (who was born in Kinderhook, New York State), which were used as a slogan in the presidential election of 1840 (a year after the first record of OK in print).


A few days ago
Yes it stands for all correct. But usually it’s a shortening of okay

A few days ago
I once heard that it means All Correct (or Oll Korrect?) and that it was made up by primitive sailors who didn’t know how to spell.

A few days ago
It means “okay” which means alright.

A few days ago
Well, K.O. means knocked out if that helps any.