A few days ago

what does ‘redemption’ mean, in realatable context please!?

I know that, technically, redemtion means ‘the act of redeeming something’, but I can’t quite relate to that at all. Scenarios would be very helpful to me to understand this word more fully.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It can also be defined as “to be saved.” In fiction, it usually means someone who is lost, often because of a mistake they have made. They drank too much, they betrayed someone, they committed a crime, etc., and they and the people around them suffer for it. Many stories are about a search for redemption, where the flawed hero overcomes their broken past through some act of heroism or sacrifice. They are redeemed because they finally found love, or acceptance, or inner peace, even if they die in the process.

A few days ago
Lisa B
“Redemption” is a word that is usually used in a religious or moral context, but also in business.

In religion, “redemption” refers to the fact that, even though you may have done bad things, and strayed from the correct path, you can be redeemed, that is, brought back to a state of grace or salvation.

In a non-religious moral context, “redemtion” might be something like turning away from crime and helping victims instead.

In business, “redemption” is used for reclaiming a pledge, such as paying to recover a pawned object.


A few days ago
Scenarios would help us, too!

Are you referring to religious redemption?

Coupon redemption?


You might “redeem” yourself in my eyes,

if you give more details! 😉


A few days ago
well, I dont know if you go to church, for instance,

If someone has sinned, they might ask for redemption from god (ect).


A few days ago
it means u’ve been saved from all evil and your sins. you will live an eternal life.