A few days ago
Tracey Fahnestock

what does racket, and uproar mean and does it mean din?

it says write a vocabulary word that means almost the same.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Depends where you live. I live in Lancashire where racket and uproar tend to mean noises made by a group of people but a din could be any kind of loud noise (Loud music for example). But, in my own opinion, yes, they all mean the same thing

A few days ago
Yeah-kind of. Racket is loud noises (the pot made a loud racket as it fell on the floor)

Uproar can mean a sudden noise level heighten, or an angry mob-like thing (There was an Uproar at the Presidents proposal)


A few days ago
heather h
All of these words mean basically the same thing…racket, uproar, din, ado, melee and riot to name a few.

A few days ago
evon stark
a din is a level of annoying sound that blocks out ones concentration and goes on and on…the sound of a din makes all of the sound so you really cant tell or distinguish one sound from another…eg…..a hundred people all yelling something different at the same time….