A few days ago

what does paradine mean?

what does paradine mean?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’ve never heard “paradine”, but the word “paradigm” is like an example

A few days ago
yeah, it’s paradigm.

it has a particular meaning in science, which is that of an overall perspective that fits within certain accepted theories. for example, newton’s physics fits in a mechanistic paradigm. the world is a big clockwork, a machine that got set into motion and now follows rules. A contrasting paradigm would be the gaia principle, which sees the Earth and all it’s life as one big living thing.

the definitive source is thomas kuhn’s book the structure of scientific revolutions.


A few days ago
As above, I think the word you are thinking about is paradigm. A paradigm is a ruleset that governs how things are interpreted or dealt with. For example, a judge uses a legal paradigm in weighing case evidence, testimonial trustworthiness etc.

Check this out: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/paradigm


A few days ago
I think you mean paradigm, which means a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, esp. the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme.

A few days ago
I think you mean paradigm (pronounced pair-a-dime) which is an example or model.