A few days ago

what does “Maverick” means especially if a 31 year old guy uses this word for his nickname?

what does “Maverick” means especially if a 31 year old guy uses this word for his nickname?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A maverick is one who doesn’t follow the crowd, they are an individualist, untamed like a maverick horse.

In the military, a maverick is one who works their way up through the ranks, ultimately ending up as an officer. My father was a “maverick” in the army starting as a buck Private, the lowest rank and retiring as a Colonel.

Generally when someone is called a maverick, they buck the trends. In industry a maverick would start trends rather than follow them.


A few days ago
Maverick is a term suggesting independence of thought or action so he may be trying to say something about himself.

The term itself could refer to any of the things listed at the site below including semi-wild, unbranded cattle in the Western United States which could mean he sees himself as a wild guy.


A few days ago
The Teacher
A maverick is a kind of wild man loner.

But if a 31 year old guy uses it as his nickname it probably more of a homage to Tom Cruise’s character from Top Gun who was nicknamed “Maverick.”


A few days ago
It means a nickname he has chosen for reasons best known to him or his gang of friends.

A few days ago
you’ve come to the right place! I was the man who coined the term!! I will tell you what it means right now:

It means…

Woops! There’s my train, gotta run!!!


A few days ago
reminds me of a stallion-untamed and wild