A few days ago

what does “KNOW OF” mean? Does it mean I went to the place I heard of? Please, explain with?

examples. I teach ESL and I don’t know exactly how to explain this one. Thanks a lot.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

To know OF something means you’re aware that it exists. To KNOW something means you’ve EXPERIENCED it. You can know OF a club, arugala, a movie, a person. To KNOW it means you’ve been there, tasted it, seen it, met them. Hope this helps. I was considering teaching ESL myself.

A few days ago
It’s the same as “aware of.” It generally implies an awareness, but not a thorough knowledge of the subject. It doesn’t have to be used to describe a place. Some examples:

I know of Shelly. = I know Shelly exists, and I might know her face, but I don’t know anything about her.

I know of Estonia. = I’ve heard of Estonia, but I couldn’t place it on a map.


A few days ago
Jackie C
Know of = aquaintance not human,usually brought up in conversation among friends,very general way of setting yourself apart because you like foreign films,documentaries, and anything else. Very broad statement sometimes interests play a role sometimes you are just to busy.

A few days ago
I don’t KNOW OF a good way to answer this except by saying I am not aware of one.

Not to know of something means you are ignorant of it or are not aware of it.

You could use the phrase I am aware of just as well.

Hope this helps.


A few days ago
Cara M
“know of” refers to having knowledge of the subject discussed. Example… ” There is not a street with that name that I know of”.. It’s in reference to the knowledge of said subject.