A few days ago

What does it mean to do things in vein?

Ive heard the words “in vein” in alot of songs, never really understood the full meaning of it. Explain?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

it means “doing in useless”

when u do something with lot of hard work,labour or trouble and u pretty well know that u will get no results or no progress at all it is called doing things in vein.

teaching julia is in vein; she is an embecile child.

the troops fought valiantly but in vein; the city was captured within 3 hours

in vein we tried to save the dog; the currants were so big that they swept him away


A few days ago
There are two different sayings with two different meanings.

To do something in vain means that you have done it fruitlessly, for nothing. This is what it means for the following:

She loved him in vain.

He studied all night, in vain, because he fell asleep during the test.

But, this is different:

English also has a phrase “in the same vein” which refers to being in the same category, like the branching of a tree.

I like the French Impressionists, and my work along the same vein.

The Pocket and the Pendant is a story along the same vein as Harry Potter.


A few days ago
I think GG has it right. In VAIN means that you had hoped for some particular thing to happen as a result of your actions, but the hoped-for result did not occur. So, you did it for NOTHING — in VAIN.

A few days ago
When you do something in vain, it means it was for nuthin’. Like, you studied for three days straight for a big exam only to show up and learn that the professor called in sick. Then all your studying was in vain.

A few days ago
To do things in vain means to do things without expecting any results or to no good or use.

A few days ago
it in vain not in vein

vain is like you are so self assured of yourself

veins run in our skin


A few days ago
In VAIN, silly! not having the outcome of your intended desire

A few days ago
I think you mean “vain”, which means”without real value, empty, worthless”. Get it?