A few days ago

what does it mean: “tail-less, non-banded elements”????

I found it inside an operation manual of a nanofiltration membrane 🙂 my question is – what exactly means “tail-less” – do they mean that there are no end-caps at the both end of it?

And please tell me what does the phrase “non-banded” means…


Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
becca h

Favorite Answer

The first, I believe, is actually “tailless”a zygotically active gene. (http://www.chem.ucla.edu/dept/Faculty/courey/research3.html

The non-banded elements references were either vague or refused to pull up, but this one seemed to imply that they involved a radioactive element. (X-radiograph atlas of lithotypes….)


I may be totally off, but hope this gives you a clue on a direction to go in further.