A few days ago

What does everyone think of this quote by Bob Dylan?

“A man is a success when he gets up in the morning, and gets to bed at night, and in between, does what he wants to do”

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

First off, Bob isn’t a “hippie child.” He was disillusioned with the hippie movement as early as 1965. Second, Bob says a lot of things that are hilarious or flip. You can’t take a lot of what he’s saying seriously. Third, he’s riffing off Ben Franklin, I’d dare bet, and this is his sense of humor coming out. Fourth, I think he’s right.

A few days ago
imagine peace
I’d say it is the right answer…personal experiences are entirely subjective and we do not all value the same things with the same weight. Dylan is bang on here, in that a true success is a person who knows what they want to do in life and then does exactly that..irregardless of what that may be

A few days ago
he is a~Hippie child ~

from that beautiful era

of the late 60’s meaning a

~free spirit~

which I am also

“A man is a success when he gets up in the morning, and gets to bed at night, and in between, does what he wants to do”

~its a very true & liberating statement~

and actually I couldnt

agree more

I wake up get my coffee

talk to friends

love others


be my own person

regardless of reformists

sayings its all gotta be a certain way

and ya know.. no ones perfect..


some fall from grace/some more than others

its up to us to ask forgiveness

and then you cap it off with

beautiful sleepy~dreams~

at night

Rest an important part of living

did you ever meet someone you love sleeping with

besides the obvious

but just holding and napping with


just figured I’d throw that in…


some are just more of dreamers than others!

if you judge

you also have (4) fingers pointing back at you

thanks for the comment

Bob Dylan

a rare man

may God bless him

for coming so far and speaking truths in his music


A few days ago
Well, I kind of see what he means, but it can’t be taken literally. After all, a drug addict does what he wants to, right?

A few days ago
um, kinda pointless if u ask me.