A few days ago
I am Sunshine

☼ wants to know….Can you write a little story that includes these “E” song titles?

I’m going to go through the alphabet.

Nope. This is not homework…Just some wholesome ,creative FUN on YA.

1. Every Day

2. Every Time You Say Goodbye

3. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues

4. Every Grain Of Sand

5. Eagles And Horses

6. Eclipse

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Every day we walked along the boardwalk, as the sun was setting. It was our special time, but she and I were not lovers, just very close friends. I would tell her, at the end of our walks, everytime you say goodbye, I feel you take a little of me with you. She would smile and gaze up at me and say “I feel the same, heck even cowgirls get the blues.” Then she let out a “NEE-HAWW!!” scaring off the seagulls on the rail.

One day we just got off the boardwalk and walked along the shore. We sat down and I scooped up some sand. I said to her, “Every grain of sand has a story, ya know…” “Why would you say that?” she asked? “I just wanted to sound introspective, how am I doing?” I asked. ” Not bad”, she said…”

“Do you have any pets?” she asked one day. “Yeah, I have a dog, how about you?” I asked. “I have a cat, but I really like Eagles and Horses…can’t keep them in a apartment.

And so, this is how our relationship went for a year, or so. Then one day, we decided to view an eclipse together, and that’s when I first kissed her, just as the sun was blocked out.


A few days ago
I don’t know about you but every time you say “goodbye”, my heart stops. Yeah, even cowgirls get the blues. Everyday, I wonder if you will ever come back. Will you come back mutilated? With an eye missing? With a limb missing? Totally paralyzed? Will you remember me? Will you recognize me? Will you still love me the same as before you left to return to the war? Sometimes at night, I just sob and cry at the unknown. My heart, yes, broken… and as I pick up the pieces, I almost feel as if I’m on the beach picking up every grain of sand. They, too, represent the tears I shed when you are away. But I have hope…. and dream… that eagles and horses will protect you…. allowing you to make quick rescues and escapes… so that you might rise up and soar, and so that you may gallop away and disappear into the night away from imminent danger. I pray that you return home safely, so that we may once again enjoy the lunar eclipse under the stars and share a deep kiss when all is black…

A few days ago
Back when we were little girls, our Grandparents owned a farm. Such a delight to go and visit for two weeks during the Summer. Our Grandfather, read the Old Farmer’s Almanac on occasion, and would tell my sister and I about the 6.) Eclipse, along with dates and information on the upcoming eclipses. We would listen intently as he told us about the moon and how he thought it affected, even the waves in the ocean.

Our Grandmother let us help her feed the chickens and gather the eggs. She told us that; “God knew 4.)every grain of sand.” She said that; “He knew how many hairs we had on our heads”; and we were amazed.

1.) Every Day, we helped our Grandmother do her chores(or at least we thought we were helping). She would milk the cow and churn the butter. She cooked bacon at every meal, along with chicken or beef and fresh vegetables from her garden. We got to see 5.) eagles and horses from a distance. Their dog, never allowed us to leave the yard alone.

Just a couple of days before going home, we would become sad, in knowing that we probably wouldn’t get to see them again until the next Summer. Our grandfather would say 3.)”Even cowgirls get the blues”. We at least liked to think, that while we were there, that we were cowgirls.

2.) “Everytime you say good bye,it’s such a long time, before we get to come again”; we would protest. They would kiss us and reassure us, that the time would pass very fast. For us, the time never passed very fast.


A few days ago
every day, every time you say goodbye, even cowgirls get the blues.

every grain of sand in this bottle represents how much i love you…eagles and horses, the most graceful creatures on land and in the sky, cannot compare together to how graceful you are, my love.

so lets just lie here, together, and watch the beautiful eclipse

so long and goodnight…


A few days ago



*sighs* …. lmao….. i got nothin’ !