A few days ago

The words ‘have’ and ‘had’?

They can both be used for past tense… so when do you use ‘have’ and when do you use ‘had’?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Have is used more as a present tense ‘Do you have the time?’ or ‘Have you got all the ingredients?’.

Had is more of a past tense ‘He had no time to turn and avoid the crash.’ ‘I had enough to eat.’ (or I have had enough to eat).


A few days ago
Interested Reader
Use “have” when you refer to continuous action in the past, or habitual action with an indefinite time in mind. Use “had” when referring to a point in time, or a definite period of time after which the action ceased.

Have eaten——-imperfect past:

We have eaten (——————–) chicken many times.

We have already eaten chicken (————-). (Time not important.)

Had eaten——–preterit past:

We had eaten (—————X) chicken (but we were finished eating) by the time John arrived (X).

We had already eaten chicken (————-X). (Time, although not stated, is important in the mind of the speaker.)


A few days ago
“I have” “They have” “He/she had” It has….