A few days ago

Spehling an grammer, Ime ohn a role!?

Dew yew like tew spehl funetikly? its phun tew chalinj peepoles mines an fourse them tew think abowt yer wards!

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Can You write that correctly?, if Yes, let’s see it!.

EDIT-I can appreciate some word play, but not to the point where it gets frustrating!. Now some of the word play in your additional: was good, the fact is that someone can look at it and say, Oh!, that’s the way to spell that!. We have enough bad spelling!. I never use check spelling either, as it will tell you if you spelled the word right, but not if you misused the word, like, there, instead of their,


A few days ago
I hate when i make typos or mistakes and then someone just goes off on me like i ruined there life but never have i ever made spelled as weird as how your spelling, and yes, i know your doing it on purpose. Sometimes i do like to write funky and i love shortening my words. My fingers hurt alot so i don’t enjoy typing much. also people ask “why don’t you use spell check?” cause i dont want to………..

A few days ago
Yes, you are on a roll, but your grammar and spelling are so poor it makes me wonder if you even have an education.

What is your question, is it whether or not people can decipher your redneck hen-scratch?

I think we can. I hope not too many people even bother to answer your question. I don’t need a redneck translator to tell me what he is asking.

Good luck anyway though

and try to show us you don’t lack an education


A few days ago
Dorothy K.
No, I just look at it and think it is an outward sign of that person’s low IQ! Sorry, but I don’t get the point of this or how wasting your time writing like this is any kind of fun.

A few days ago
No. Having been an English major, it drives me to the brink of insanity.

A few days ago
you spelled a lot words wrong.

check your spelling and grammer



A few days ago
You could injure yourself doing this.

A few days ago
How very cleaver.
