A few days ago

romeo and juliet question?

hey peeps i was reading romeo and juliet and u kno how they talk with all the thout and thy and hast and all that?

well wat does chide mean? cause romeo was all “tell her prepare to chide” so like wat does it mean? is it something….bizzar? thx thx

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

With all your crap spelling, I’m guessing you probably spelt *that* wrong as well.

A few days ago
It means “to scold”. The opposite is “to praise”. The first person to answer didn’t spell something right, either.

It would help if you have the act & scene, so that it can be looked up more easily for us old folks who actually have a copy of the play! Good luck with it. You should rent the movie and read along with the play as you watch it. It will help you understand the play better. Plus, the fight scenes will be fun to watch. Rent the Franco Zeferelli version.


A few days ago
Rosie D
The actual scene reads:


O Lord, I could have stay’d here all the night

To hear good counsel: O, what learning is!–

My lord, I’ll tell my lady you will come.


Do so, and bid my sweet prepare to chide.


What Romeo is saying to the Nurse is that he knows that he has caused Juliet sorrow by killing her cousin, Tybalt, and that he expects and will accept being scolded by her for his actions.

My major in college was English and British Literature, and I have to say, Shakespeare was one of my all time favorites.

Hope this helps.


4 years ago
Chide Meaning

A few days ago
“Chide” means to scold or rebuke… though even knowing this, I’m not sure why Romeo wants this. Even my Globe Illustrated Shakespeare has no footnote for this line.

A few days ago
It means to reprimand, To scold someone. So, “prepare to be reprimanded”.

See also other definitions at the link below!


A few days ago
It is nothing bizarre, it means to scold, to rebuke.

A few days ago
I thought it meant reprimand?

A few days ago
your asking the wronge person