A few days ago

pet peeve. misusing the word ” oxymoron”…..?

my understanding is that an oxymoron consists of two words of opposite meaning put together to make a concept, such as ” wise fool” or “intimate stranger”. although” military intelligence” is humorous and gets the point across, it is a contadiction in terms rather than a true oxymoron. doncha think? thoughts?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Cherry Pie

Favorite Answer

Oxymora can also be used ironically apart from their rhetoric purposes, that is, with their literal meaning.

In that sense, “military intelligence”, though not literally an oxymoron, does in fact convey an oxymoron in its actual ironic meaning.


A few days ago
Actually military intelligence wouldn’t be a contradiction either. The word military doesn’t mean a “lack of intelligence” it is a group of people serving their country. So I would have to say the term is neither, I would say it’s an attempt to make a slur humorous.

4 years ago
-Mice ordinarily -while somebody Trys to speak to Me, On Yahoo Messenger and that i do no longer answer In Time, and that they keep Messenging And humming Me =[ -while human beings walk Into My Room devoid of Knocking, and then bypass away The Door Open on the way Out. it is so stressful with the aid of fact I might desire to upward thrust up and close It. -while My mom ask me Who i’m conversing to on the telephone.