A few days ago

please help me???????

I will appreciate your help 🙂

can you help me find sentences to these words….

1. adjourn


3. comely

4. compensate

5. dissolute

6. erratic

7. expulsion

8. feint

9. fodder

10. fortify

please I’m an esl stodent and i’m learning english.. can you hlp me find these words

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Go to dictionary.com and put in these words. They usually provide sample sentences to help explain te definition.

A few days ago
1. The motion to adjourn can be repeated if there has been any intervening business.

2. The number of illegal aliens has increased dramatically in California.

3. Although aware that she was considered quite comely, she had never felt entirely confident of her charms.

4. They gave him ten dollars to compensate him for his trouble.

5. Dissolute is one that runs loose, not restrained by laws or any other bonds.

6. Erratic winds are the bane of a sailor

7. The prisoner’s expulsion from society embittered him.

8. His air of approval was a feint to conceal his real motives.

9. Romantic novels intended as fodder for the pulp fiction market.

10. I ate eggs to fortify myself with a good breakfast.


A few days ago
I generally don’t do people’s work for them; but the gentleman above me is right: these are difficult words – especially for an ESL student.

The Chairman said that it was time to adjourn the meeting.

His opinions were alien to my political beliefs.

She was indeed a comely lass.

Wages compensate people for work done for others.

He was not to be trusted because of his dissolute character.

The stock market was more erratic than usual today.

He had been warned enough, and it was time for expulsion.

She raised her right hand as if to slap me; but it was just a feint as she punched me with her left.

The barns must be stocked with fodder to feed the animals in winter.

He was never comfortable in front of an audience, and felt the need to fortify himself with a stiff drink before-hand.


A few days ago
Use this: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

You can find the explanation of the words and examples of sentences there. Hope it helps


A few days ago
2) Anyone who is new to this country, is considered an alien.

4) Please compensate me for the time I am putting into this question.


A few days ago
Sammy C
look in a dictionary and then write a sentence based on the meaning!!!!

A few days ago
whoa this is hard the only 2 words i no are alien and expulsion …..??????who gave you this im srry i cant help

A few days ago
I will FORTIFY my house with cannons and missles to make it stronger.

A few days ago
Do your own homework, or else you won’t learn anything.