A few days ago

Phrases said out loud that sounds like something else?

Did that make sense? Is there a specific term for this?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
g p

Favorite Answer

Oxymoron: figure of speech combining seemingly contradictory expressions, e.g. Pretty ugly.

“So foul and fair a day I have not seen!”

– William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 3.

In Garfield, when Jon says, “Happy Monday,” Garfield says “the mother of all oxymorons.”


A few days ago
Like “whirled peas” instead of “world peace”? Don’t know the term for it. Homophones is the term for words that sound the same but are spelled differently.

A few days ago
Theres a game called Mad Gab that does this. They have phrases on a card and one team has to read them and try to figure out what they say before time is up.

A few days ago
You mean like when you say “Ship” or “Apple” with your tongue held? or like when you mouth something across the room like olive juice that looks like I love you?

I don’t know exactly if there’s a term for that.