A few days ago

Is this slang terms?

What is a mexican monkey?? I overheard someone being labeled as a mexican monkey.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Katsushiro Keitaro

Favorite Answer

Yes, its a slang term.

To my understanding it can be used for both insulting and non-insulting purposes.

Mexican Monkey – Loofy Mexican person; a Hispanic person who tends to be clumsy.

ex: Admit it, you were eavesdropping, Mexican monkey! (no offense)…haha…I overhear a lot of things too, mainly at work…

[inside note]:

Anyway, thanks for the adv…my friends are continuously looking at everyones answers…

I’m like the godfather…so I been there for a while.


A few days ago
I think it is slang term becuz the mexican was called a monkey

A few days ago
haha, bad bad bad………

it means mexicans are like monkeys, no offense meant!


A few days ago
I don’t have a clue what it means to be honest. So what is it??