A few days ago

I need help unscrambling these words!!?

If there are 2 or more words then the letters are mixed up between all the words-the clue is “things children love to do”…I need lots of help b/c I am stumped!

1. dnawi eosgr

2. ksdiir eignb

3. rloonigc

4. bwnsgbe ublliob

5. sdmev eigoa

6. knnrlyi gp isrnalpie

7. dininpj ld psuemug

8. ocnwacrt hotsngia

9. ghcnacgs tuib

10. tcygpin halac

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1.Ride Wagons

2.Bike Ridings

3. Coloring

4. Blowing Bubbles

5. Video Games

6. Playing in Sprinkler (thanks to the guy below for this one)

7. Jumping in puddles

8. Watching cartoons

9. Catching bugs

10.Playing catch


A few days ago
4. Blowing Bubbles

6. Playing in Sprinkler

9. Catching Bugs


5 years ago
One Red Beer

A few days ago
3 is Coloring,. Pgybnks is awesomely smart, she’ll help with the rest.