A few days ago

I need a sentence with the word colloquial in it. please.?

I need a sentence with the word colloquial in it. please.?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
sudonym x

Favorite Answer

I can’t remember how to spell ‘colloquial’ because big words make me vertiginous.

A few days ago
well i went to dictionary.com and here are some QUOTES with it in there. Will this work?

To use a colloquial phrase, such sentiments…do one’s heart good.

— Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The abandonment of…poetic diction for the colloquial language of real life.

— John Richard Green

His [Samuel Johnson’s] colloquial talents were, indeed, of the highest order.

— Macaulay


A few days ago
I am the walrus
Here you go:

I need a sentence with the word colloquial in it.


A few days ago
“Anyone sufficiently aware of the word ‘colloquial’ to spell it correctly can certainly build a sentence around it by herself.”

There has been a spate of this type of question lately. Some sophomoric prank?


A few days ago
Robert David M
Colloquial speech differs from formal speech in that the speaker of the former “cuts corners’ and speaks in a sort of verbal shorthand.

A few days ago
Just type the word in Yahoo Search.