A few days ago

How about a morning question with these phrases????

1. You got me bumping into walls

2. Hand me that old corn cob pipe

3. In the good old summertime

4. Everything I’ll ever need……..right here

5. Squeeze me, please me

6. Come back soon darling

7. Ain’t you the darndest thing

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
I am Sunshine

Favorite Answer

Dodge City, Kansas

Circa 1876

“Carrying Your Love With Me”

“Hey, baby….Would you please (2) Hand me that old corn cob pipe?” Sunshine MacGillicutty was going through a chest that held precious memories for her. Matt Dillon, U.S.Marshal and devoted boyfriend, reached over with it.

Matt:”Don’t tell me YOU smoked this!” He laughed; But he knew that his free spirit of a girlfriend was capable of just about anything!

Sunshine:”No. No, silly. It belonged to Granddaddy.” She held it gently ….. “My darling,darling Granddaddy.” Matt knew she was drifting into that private world of hers…. The one where she went whenever she spoke of her beloved family.

He held her in his arms, hoping to be magically transported there, with her.

Annie: ” You know, Granddaddy was a doctor. His patients loved him.” She looked up at Matt….”The way the people of Dodge love YOU. Matt……. I wonder if you know just how deeply everyone respects you.” She touched his face. “I don’t just love you, Matt. I hold you in the highest esteem.”

Matt:” Ohhhh, SunnyMac.” He leaned down and kissed her………. ” (1) You got me bumping into walls and singing in the the rain. God, I love you, girl!”

Sunshine happily continued with her sorting and general housekeeping . Matt returned to Dodge.

As he sat at his desk, passing the time of day with Doc Adams, in sauntered Festus Haggen, singing :

(3) ♫In the good old summertime. In the good old summertime.

I’ll kiss my mule and treat her well. ‘Cause if I don’t I’ll burn in hell…..♫”

Doc:” Well…. There goes ANY hope of carrying on an intelligent conversation!!” He chuckled as he chewed on his day old toothpick.

Festus:” (7) Ain’t you the darndest thing, you old buzzard!!”

Matt:”Listen! Before you two start getting into it, I need to say something……… Festus?”

Festus:”Yes, Matthew.”

Matt: ” I need to be out of town for a few days. Think you can take over here while I’m gone? Won’t be more than a few days…..Four, tops?”

Festus assured him that he would be glad to assist. Matt rode out to the farm, to let Sunshine know about the trip and to pack up.

Sunshine:”But WHY can’t I go with you?!”

Matt:”Doggone it! I’m a U.S.Marshal. Why on EARTH do you think I can’t handle things on my own?!”

Sunshine threw a pillow at him. “I NEVER said you couldn’t! I just know how much I’m going to miss you.(5) Squeeze me, please me, baby.” Matt put his saddlebag down and held her.

Sunshine: “Promise me you’ll be careful. ” Matt smiled and shrugged. “PROMISE ME!!!”

Matt:”Okay! I promise, Sunny.”

Sunshine:”(6) Come back soon darling.”

Matt:” Sweetheart……(4) Everything I’ll ever need……..right here…….. ” He took her hand and placed it on his heart:

“You’re right there in everything I do…Cause I’m carrying your love with me.”



A few days ago
“2. Hand me that old corn cob pipe, will ya, hun?” Charlie gestured vaguely over his shoulder in the general direction of the fireplace in the room at his back. His wife smiled and picked the pipe off the mantle, coming out on the porch to place it in his out-stretched hand.

“Charlie, I need to slip over to Ashley’s for a few minutes and help her with the baby. He’s getting really fussy, and I promised I’d drop by and see what’s up.”

“OK, Babe, but do 6. Come back soon darling. You know how I miss you!” Charlie swung his head, following her progress as she walked down the crunchy gravel driveway.

He leaned back, napping in his rocker on the porch. Memories came to him, of his wonderful wife, how he had first met her. “3. In the good old summertime,” he thought, “I remember that. And I remember thinking 4. Everything I’ll ever need……..right here, the first time I held her.” Suddenly, he was startled awake. He heard his wife’s approaching footsteps, stepping light and swift. She sounded happy.

“Come here, Charlie, come along now, with me.” She grabbed his elbow, pulling him up off his rocker. “Follow me, follow me now!” She gently led him through the door behind him.

“Slow DOWN, woman, 1. You got me bumping into walls with all your hurrying!” Charlie grumbled. “What is SO important that you have to be rushing me around like this?”

Suddenly, Charlie heard rustlings all around him, soft giggles. Then, he felt the warmth of lights on his closed eyelids, and the echo of dozens of voices shouting: “Surprise! Surprise! Happy Anniversary!”

Turning his blind face to his wife of 50 years, Charlie sighed. “7. Ain’t you the darndest thing? However did you manage all this? Let me guess — I’ll bet you’ve got ALL the kids and grandkids here, right?” A shower of “Yep!”, “You bet!” and other agreement sounded all around him.

Charlie reached out to the woman that had been his eyes for five decades, wrapping his strong arms around her waist, hugging with all his strength. Though she knew he could not see it, she smiled, tears in her eyes. “5. Squeeze me, please me.” she whispered, so Charlie was the only one to hear.


A few days ago
tea cup
Sorry Sarge I’ve got to back out.