A few days ago

Hey sugar! Why don’t you string together a non-sensical sentence! It’s such fun?

Alright, do your thang

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Call me-C-4-Curious-

Favorite Answer

I can’t avoid after speculation of big drugs, but who knows the tragedy of poultry butt cheese?

A few days ago
Trust the bedknobs that cheese is moleier than the tooth of geese. You get what i mean? I’m saying that a nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat!!! woo lol love that line! heh he ha ha…Wah the tree ate my grave! i was like eh? and he went “too much butter on your toast” and he was right! The floccinaucinihilipilification of a tree (dat a real word btw) My eye fills jam hosting garlic. You see overall the juice of hapiness is much higher than ghosts freckles. You can’t go, found this a went home! My vampire heats up lenses down here. Onion, ONION! Let fairies jumping marshmallows red frogs fell! Dictionary meets cool my finger fred limbo. YAAAAY Nun a toes bunny. La La La La…oops my king flew sex was yellow! Ah wel Its all mad really. So do you get me now?

well when i found happy lions lemons, a tiny fall many houses, but home alone i ring my rails. Where is the pole cheese that strawberry of onion a happy jumping box? Holy jupiter man i see a light of mine a me think of my mind, gooses going now, bye bye


A few days ago
when in April, short people can’t apply unless it is appropriated that the “Big One” can’t understand the question. Only, never and always will this be pertained as pertinent misinformation and only then or perhaps before or after will the decision probably ascertain the righteousness of the month of we were tabulating.