A few days ago

grammar of apostrophes…?

how’s this sentence?

“i have fixed a few of my friends’ motorcycles.”

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

One friend or a few friends?

If one, it is “a few of my friend’s motorcycles.”

If more, it is “a few of my friends’ motorcycles.”

At least that’s the way I learned it!


A few days ago
unknown friend
The rule for apostrophes is, put one to replace a missing letter and in the case of a double letter due to making something plural, you put it after the first s as you have done to replace the double letter.

So if your meaning that there are multiple friends then your apostrophe is in the correct place if you are meaning it as a singular friend and it is the possessive friend then it is incorrect, the apostrophe is not used.

I hope this helps.