A few days ago

Do the people here seem prone to interpellation? Such interlocutory behavior from such a variant group,?

Don’t you agree?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
old lady

Favorite Answer

Do you mean interpellation or interpolation?

Interlocutory behavior is speaking – that’s what an interlocutor does – and isn’t that what this site is all about? As far as the variant group, it would be deadly dull if each of the groups were homogeneous.


5 years ago
I don’t think it qualifies as a violation, mainly because its the choice of the asker to choose the best answer. However, it is sad, but still. Just do what I do and report the stupid answers like the one line joke, and report it again if it becomes a best answer.

A few days ago
Coop 366
You keep using ten dollar words in place of ten cent words and I will have to get a bigger dictionary. Yes I agree.