A few days ago

Can you explain the word “hitherto”…?

I’m somewhat naive about vocabulary and explanations from the dictionary. I looked up “hitherto”, but the definition and example setence wasn’t very clear and I still don’t fully understand it.

Can someone explain hitherto is clearer words (different from the dictionary) and perhaps give me a simple sentence that contains the word hitherto? Thanks. >.~

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“Hither” is an old way of saying “here”: “hither and thither” means “here and there.”

So “hitherto” means “here to” or “up until here” or “to this point here.”


A few days ago
its like cause and effect.

The contract states that the two parties should keep the kids equally hitherto there will be an 50 – 50 custody.


A few days ago
It means “up to this point (in time).” You could say that you now understand a word that you hitherto did not comprehend.

A few days ago
Hitherto, ” My wife and I plan to stay hitherto in this house that we have built. Hitherto, meaning to stay here or travel here. Basically saying “Hey lets go here”, or “lets stay here”. Uh, hope that helps.

A few days ago
KC V ™
Pronunciation: -“tü, “hi-[th]&r-‘tü

Function: adverb: up to this or that time

Hitherto, you’ve learned a new word!