A few days ago

can someone explain the difference between “telling” and “showing” in writing?

i dont fully understand this because i feel that when you write something, in essence you are “telling” the person even if someone considers that “showing”

like if I say “The man fell down.” then what would that be considered? because youre showing it but you are also telling, you cant help but tell, its a story, i dont get that part of it

is telling like saying, “I felt badly.” instead of “I ate rotten eggs” or something, then its just implied that you feel bad, but youre still telling someone you ate rotten eggs, you didnt show them, sorry im just having a hard time with this, any help is appreciated

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You are right to think that in literature even showing is telling in some sense. The key is not in the details, however, but in the use of imagery..

‘She felt sad’ is telling.

‘A tear slid down her cheek’ is showing.

One is visual and one is not.


4 years ago
Te quiero actually translate into i prefer you yet from what i’ve got heard that is used between kin & acquaintances and additionally perhaps pets yet Te Amo is i such as you yet is used for boyfriends,girlfriends,husband and spouse however the the two quite advise the comparable project yet on a diverse point. I tell my chum Te quiero each and all the time.

A few days ago
Xander Crews
tell: The man fell down.

show: Jim’s mind was so busy wandering on the divorce proceedings that he carelessly stepped right into a street curb. His resilience was null from lack of sleep, so he tumbled face-first onto the cold, freshly watered cement.


A few days ago
Telling is informing by word or whatever medium that informs. Showing is the visible evidence.

A few days ago
In telling–the other person does not need eyesight. Only hearing

In showing–the other person need eyesight. (unless blind, then would need to feel)