A few days ago

can anyone give me a better word for the below sentence?

As you are aware, given current housing prices in Dubai, finding accommodation within my present allowance of AED.2000/-PM has become nearly impossible.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

As (you’re / you are) aware, given *the* current rates of housing in Dubai, finding accommodation given my budgetary limitation of AED 2,000 p.m. *is* virtually impossible.

“Within my allowance” is, I believe, wrong, but I could well be wrong.

And if you want to be flamboyant with words, you could say “nigh” instead of “virtually” ๐Ÿ™‚


A few days ago
gita n
I am sure you know that at present, the prices of houses are very high in Dubai. Therefore, it is almost impossible for me to find a place to stay with the allowance I am now paid, which is AED 2000/ per month.

A few days ago
Alex R
It depends if this is a formal letter coz if it is you might not want to include “as you’re aware” as it may sound condescending.

If I were writing to request for a bigger budget, I would write:

It would be rather challenging to be able to find decent accomodation at AED. 2000/-PM as the current cost of tenancy for a X no. of bedroom apartment in Dubai ranges between (insert the range).

Gd Luck!


A few days ago
I am not an English teacher.

given the current housing prices.

Other than that, the sentence looks OK to me.


A few days ago
‘Rules For Writers’ by Diana Hacker.

A few days ago
I’d replace the first five words with “Due to”.

A few days ago
has become virtuly impossible