A few days ago

another one line add on story starting with.?

Little miss bee flew from her hive collecting necture.


Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

she realized that all of the flowers had been sucked dry!

A few days ago
grousing mightily as she was forced to comply with yet another sexist expectation for potential careers. Sexually harassed by the cognitively challenged bottom feeding troll singing that dmnd “Bumble Bee” song, she experienced a sudden burst of excruciating pain–much like what the males exhibit when the tv remote is pried from their sweaty palms. “Aaaagh!”, she cried, “my brain, my brain–a lifetime of second class citizenship and lack of stimulation is drying it up!”.

A few days ago
When a little boy caught her a started singing “I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee” 😀