A few days ago

“A rugby ball is a different shape from a football” or “A rugby ball has a different shape from a football” ?

Hi everyone, which of the two sentences is correct? Using Google, i found that sometimes “is a different shape” and sometimes “has a different shape” is used. I don’t know which is correct or whether both are correct. I have always used “has a different shape”. Thanks for your help.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I like this one better:

A rugby ball is shaped differently than a soccer or football.

Just sound more precise to me…

Good luck!


A few days ago
the second 1, a rugby ball has a different shape from a football.

A few days ago
I think the ball HAS a shape, but it’s a pretty picky point, and either one is probably fine. Also, in both cases, I’d probably use the word “than” instead of “from.” But I don’t know if that makes it any more correct, either.

You could also say, “Rugby balls and footballs are shaped differently.”

Hope that helps!


A few days ago
LiL Mama14
a rugby ball has a different shape than a football.