A few days ago
New guy

Would this be a good idea to do in a university?

To take a course in a language just to learn it, but it really has nothing to do with your major.

I want to take arabic or mandarin chinese at a local university, but they have nothing to do with my career (medicine).

Shall I? I honestly want to.

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Absolutely. It is the best time in your life and the best place to do it. You never know where life will take you, but either language could come in handy at some point in ways you never could have expected (and, having spent some time in China recently, my colleagues agree that Mandarin is the language of the future, but Arabic would be useful too).

By the way, someone mentioned having to learn two languages if you want to get your master’s. This may have been a requirement for her, but it is not a general requirement for most schools and for most subject matters. I have a master’s and two doctorates, from two schools, and while I do know three other languages, no one has ever required them of me.


A few days ago
– Even the language has nothing to do with your major, but it could be a part of your degree requirement. My major was computer science, and I still needed to take 6 credits of foreign language as a part of General Education requirement for my undergraduate degree. Of course, I am Chinese, and I can take an exam to get these credits without going to the class.

Having an extra language is always helpful. I am not sure about arabic, but you won’t be able to really learn Chinese in a couple semesters. You can get some idea and basics, but I took years to really learn Chinese.

Beside the foreign language requirement, you may need some free election credits. Those Chinese/arabic course can be used toward as free election.

It’s a good idea to learn more if you don’t affact your time required for your major. But it does not worth if you need to pospone your major for studying these.


A few days ago
Brandon W
Any foreign language will help you, especially in medicine. If you think about it, the languages WILL help you in your major, because you will be coming in contact with people from all cultures…and your language may come into play at some point in your career.

On top of that, you can always do Medical Mission trips to those countries that you know the language.


A few days ago
Jake B
For your career that would be a great idea because if you plan to be a doctor or nurse a second language would put you higher up on applications for med school or a masters program.

A few days ago
It would be a benefit to take another language and have an advantage over others in your field. Learning another language is always essential.

A few days ago
Either language is a good idea. They might not directly pertain to your major, but you’d be surprised how useful they (especially Chinese) could be in your field.

A few days ago
Thomas M
Yes. It’s your last chance before retirement to take courses just because you are interested in the material. Go for it.

A few days ago
If you decide to go on to your Masters, you’ll need two languages. Either way, it can’t hurt to learn something new.

A few days ago
I think that so long as you can afford it you should. It would always be good to add it to your resume.