A few days ago

Dorm room situation… overflow housing?

I’m a soon to be college freshmen and I was recently assigned “overflow housing” because the normal dorm housing was full. So to accommodate everyone they are putting some people in “overflow” rooms until some people decide to leave the normal rooms for space to free up.

Normal have 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 person per room

Overflow have 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 people per room

They say it shouldn’t take longer than 3 weeks of overflow housing until I get a normal dorm.

I have a few things on my mind:

1) I’m an only child and sleeping in a room with 3 strangers sounds awkward and uncomfortable.

2) What should I bring when I move in? I’m going to be moving out within 3 weeks so should I keep it light until I get a normal dorm?

3) Once I move into a normal dorm, it’ll be kind of weird knowing my new roommates will have “bonded” for 3 weeks while I was in overflow. Will it be hard to “re-adapt”?

If you have any advice or opinions I’d greatly appreciate it, thanks

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Elizabeth S

Favorite Answer

We had overflow housing while I was an RA…most people were out of there within three days. You really wouldn’t believe the number of people who a) choose not to go away to college because of boyfriend or parent concerns b) who don’t get their financial aid in order or c) the number of people who can convince daddy to spring for a apartment or greek housing.

If they run it like my alma mater did…they remove the third person from each room first and foremost. Then they wittle the group down from there. I know by the end people had more flexibility about where they were moving. (There’s an opening in X Hall… and somebody was hoping for that particular one…and guess who gets it.)

The good side is this…if he’s a good roommate..you’ve made a friend and keep in touch. There’s always openings at the start of spring semester or next year. If he’s someone you rather not know…temporary dorms provide your “Get out of Jail Free” card. 🙂


A few days ago
I was an only child, too, went from sleeping alone in a queen bed to a tiny 1 room (no bath) with two other strangers. One became a friend for life.

Bring some earplugs and an eyeshade in case you have trouble sleeping with various lights & noises.

Three weeks isn’t too bad. You’ll adjust after 3-4 days.

If your parent’s don’t live too far away, I would pack light until your housing situation settles down. Then they can bring whatever else you need.