A few days ago

Why are people worried about getting into Medical school?

I heard someone say that if they don’t get in their lifes goal is destroyed or something but cant they do research or work in a hospital and apply again next year? I do not see why they have to give up.

And isnt a foreign school an option as well?

And before we all get mad and tell me that it is hard to get in I understand but are there other options that still end up with you being an MD?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The dashed hopes of failed matriculates is a well-recognized phenomenon. Understandably, people striving to become physicians are generally focused individuals accustomed to achieving their goals. For many, non-acceptance is a first “failure” and at such a critical moment in their lives that it has been known to cause significant problems.

Of course there are options. For students not wanting to wait a year just to compete with the next round of applicants, offshore schools are attractive. Building the ‘resume’ by doing volunteer or paid medical related activites is also a good idea.

Unfortunately, there are issues, other than ego, that are involved for some potential medical students. Many have familial pressure to achieve a ‘high station’ in life and this stumbling block sends ripples through that family that can create a lot of unnecessary stress. I have a lot of sympathy for the student who has parents who make such demands.

But failing to matriculate is also a good gut-check time. Many students dream of becoming a physician and seriously lack the ability. You would be surprised by the volume of applications from students who are barely passing their courses. Reality can be a cold, hard lesson.


A few days ago
Fly On The Wall
The problem is that they may have had this goal from an early age and invested a substantial amount of their life working toward it. But the thing is, if they’re really so marginal that they didn’t make the cut for medical school, then really they don’t belong there anyway. The last thing anyone should want to be is a mediocre doctor.

A few days ago
lynne c
i guess they are afraid of failure, i still stand that trying and losing is still winning..theirs a lot o country tat offers good education and cheaper tuition theirs a lot of option its only a matter of determination..