A few days ago

Which American universities only transfer good grades?

I got kicked out of the university for poor grades in year 2001. I was going through low phase and never cared to attend or drop my classes. Infact, I took same classes twice, and still did not finish them. My GPA has been tarnished. Now I am few months away from starting over. I want to transfer in near future. Which major universities will only accept good grades during transfer? And let me have a fresh start? I plan to attend a community college. I do not want to lie when I transfer to a 4-year university. Please help!!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
skunk pie

Favorite Answer

I did the same thing, hit some terrible depression and then topped it off with a very bad reaction to medication. I managed to keep my GPA over 2.0 (because I would get As during the good mood phases), so I was not kicked out of university, but I did transfer universities after taking some time off.

My school ended up transfering some of my F’s, but it doesn’t effect my institutional GPA, so that’s that and while my graduating GPA may be lower than it would minus the depression years, so what? I’m doing well now.

If you’re worried about graduate school, don’t be. They’ll look at your culmulative GPA, but they’ll be more concerned with your last couple of years and perhaps your institutional GPA (just the grades from that school to transfer to) as well as your references etc. Besides, I’m not applying…yet, but I’m pretty sure you have to send a complete academic transcript from all previous post secondary institutions (though I could be wrong.)

If you’re worried about employers, just give them the institutional GPA and do well.

By the way, you can qualify for awards and scholarships as long as you keep your grades up this time around. If you happen to hit a low period, then don’t be afraid to take the time off. If it’s a mental health issue you can get the school to give you incompletes instead of fails, but only if you’re seeking help and your doctor writes a letter for you. The problem with me is that I was that although I was seeing a psychiatrist I too ashamed to tell anyone just how bad things were and to get the help I needed and I certainly wasn’t going to let the school know, stupidly I got Fs.