A few days ago

whats the cheapest freaking college for an international student ?damn, everything is too expensive these days

i checked on community college it was 17,000 per year for an international studenttttttttt. wtf


if i had that kinda of money i wouldnt even try to go to CC.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It all depends on where you go, at the community college that I go to, the tuition is about 1,400.00 for 12 semester credit hours. That’s about how much I pay because I’m from another district.

A few days ago
College is expensive. Out of state, and international students more so than in state and national students. Unfortunately the only ways around it is to try to get scholarships and financial aid of some kind.

Financial Aid is offered by the the government. However as an international student it appears ( I didnt know this) that you are not going to by typically eligible for it. Unless you are from certain countries. Like Guam, Puerto Rico,U.S. Virgin Islands,American Samoa, Swain’s Island, or the Northern

Mariana Islands. There are a few other exceptions and you can check out this to read up on financial aid and foreign students.



A few days ago
There isn’t a college thats cheap, epecially for an international student. If you cant afford it, then DON’T DO IT!

A sort of cheaper way would be to get accpeted into a local college then do the study abroad. But i’m pretty sure its still going to be expensive considereing you will have to pay for airtickets and food.


A few days ago
College is expensive. It will be more expensive for you because you haven’t been paying taxes that go to schools.

Try looking for colleges that give full scholarships to international students. They will be very competitive. You either need to be really smart or really rich to be an international student in the US.


A few days ago
American college is very expensive, maybe you can get some help from financial aid if you have trouble paying.

Maybe you can study in another country? It would be better to study in another country than go to an American community college.


A few days ago
Unfortunately that is the whole idea make it so expensive that only those who can afford will rule in society. College is not cheap; however; don’t give up on your dream. Take one semester or year at a time and eventually you will complete. Just don’t give up or go into debt with all these scams going on.

4 years ago
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