A few days ago

What was your major in college and what do you do now?

For a lost but aspiring college student…please answer with sincerity.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I majored in studio art (ceramic sculpture) in undergrad. When I graduated, I worked in Human Resources for a medical device company – obviously, I am an example that proves that, in undergrad, it largely doesn’t matter what you major in, so long as you go to a good school, do well, get a lot of liberal arts work in, strong computer and communication skills, and also have some work experience when you graduate. You can major in anything you want. The exception is if you plan to major in something highly career specific, such as nursing or engineering or architecture, those, in order to get licensed, you must major in. Otherwise, if history strikes your fancy, and you think you’ll do well in it, go for it. Don’t obsess. Don’t *not* think about it, but at the same time, don’t *obsess* about it. It does matter, but it’s okay to be lost. You’ll find it. Give yourself time. And remember, even if the major isn’t perfect for you. Even if you’re not 100% sure. If you enjoy it, and do well, it’s fine.

After working a couple of years, I went back for my MBA. I now work in marketing for a large consumer products company, and I also teach computers as an adjunct professor at a local university.


A few days ago
Undergraduate Degree: BS in Mathematics

Current job: Finance Professor


A few days ago
Bachelor Degree in Business Administration with a major in Human Resources.

Today, working in a job for IT Communications. Still in the business world, but not any relation to what I studied at school.


A few days ago
BS in Crop and Soil Sciences. Couldn’t do a thing with it for various reasons.

2nd BS in Packaging. Yes Packaging is a degree. It also is in high demand, pays well, and you can write your own ticket to success without getting too blown away by the class work.

Both degrees from Michigan State Univ.

I would recommend a Packaging degree to anyone. It is great fun and exciting work.


A few days ago
Speech Communications and Theater Major

2nd ary Ed Major

English Minor

History Minor

I’m a part-time librarian at a small private school.


A few days ago
Majored in history, minored in English. Now, I’m a paralegal.