A few days ago

What medical bound college can i get into?

I am very scared that my grades arent good, I want to go to a medical based college in NYC such as NYU, Sophie Davis, Brooklyn College, Stony Brook, Cornell. So far i have finished freshman and sophmore year in highschool:

Transcript average: 93.2

APs taken so far: AP Global and AP Biology

All other classes are honors

Extra activity: Science Newspaper, Science Olympiad, and Euro Challenge

Community Service: 200 Hours at a rehab center and 400 hours at St, Johns Hospital in the surgery room

Well I just started my junior year and I took a practice SAT and got a 1700 because i did horrible on the writing part, but that was my first time taking a practice SAT.

Im going into my junior year already taking precalculus and most likey taking ap calculus, ap chemistry, and ap statics in senior year. Im hoping that in my junior year i can boost up my transcript average up to a 95 or higher.

What medical based college can i get accepted to please help

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

From your grades, I think you can still apply to NYU as your dream school. But if you do go to NYU, the NYU Medical School admissions wouldn’t necessarily favor you over applicants from other colleges. I know because I asked at a NYU open-house conference when I was searching for colleges.

When you’re looking for a “medical-bound” college, just make sure the college offers a variety of science majors and has a good pre-medical office and guidance.

In the end, it’s really about you and how well you do in your courses. If you want a personal story, my boyfriend is applying to medical schools right now. He goes to Hunter College, biochemistry major, did pretty well on the MCAT, and the pre-med advisor told him he has a pretty good chance in several schools in the city.

Another thing, you won’t be needing statistics (that’s mostly for nursing/education/nutrition majors). And it’s kind of pointless if you take AP Calculus and Chemistry because if you’re a pre-med major, the medical schools want to see a COLLEGE grade for those courses. I mean, you can take them and get the AP score so that you’ll have an easier time in college and get As, but you’ll need to take them again.

Also, sorry to say, but the community service you did during high school won’t count when you’re applying to medical schools.

The road to medical school is long and difficult… stay focused and good luck!!


4 years ago
They do want instructors too, my fiance is going to college to be a math instructor, he is going to be a sophomore, yet they already exceptionally lots presented him a job as quickly as he gets his arithmetic degree and training certification. the two way, in basic terms having your gen eds can help advance your probabilities of having a job