A few days ago


Ok so I’ve been hearing i have to take a placement test in my community college …because i am going to take biology/chemistry! I heard their is no pass or fail …but I’m so confused …I thought it would only take me 2 years to get my associates degree in those studys ???? and if i do start off in a lower level it will take longer right?????? after i receive my Associates degree i want to transfer to a University to take pre-med’s ….who long do you think it will take me to get their??????? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The purpose of the placement tests (diagnostics) is to make sure that you are academically ready for the classes you will need. If you are not ready then you will take a remedial or lower level class to get ready.

Yes, taking a remedial class will take a little time – not all that much. Taking a class you aren’t academically ready for and failing it will take even more time.

Think of diagnostics tests as good – they make sure you know what you need to know. And they don’t always result in remedial placement, sometimes they result in advanced placement.

There is no pass-fail because they are level based. Consider math for example. A diagnostic would determine whether you know geometry, algebra, calculus, business math, trig. etc… If you know some but not others then you need to take the others. If you know algebra and geometry already then you can start with calc or trig. If you’re not so hot at math you might need to start with algebra. It’s not pass-fail, it’s “what do you know already”

Relax – this isn’t an “urgent help” sort of educational issue. If you want in a pre-med then you better get almost all A grades – that’s means not taking any class until you’re ready for that material. This isn’t High School, professors won’t wait for you to catch up with the class. ☺


A few days ago
Yes if you have to take lower level classes it will take you a short amount longer. I placed low in math placing me about 2 semesters behind with math alone ( i placed at the lowest level possible). Taking the lower level classes if thats where you place are the only way to move forward, and its worth it to take them if you need them. It really depends how low you place, you could be a semester or it could be more, but its for your benefit so its going to be worth it.