A few days ago

Turnitin.com Question…. Just Wondering…^^?

So i have a 20 page paper to turn in to Turnitin.com…

This is cool and I have no problem about this because it is all my original work…

But I was wanting to have a little fun and experiment something.

If I post my paper on the internet Word for Word under my name of corse…Will this throw off Turnitin.com?? like just screw it up and give me a high plagerism score? (Im just trying to learn how Turnitin.com works) and have some fun

Thanks…Im sure I will get flamed for this… but oh well

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’m not sure how quickly a search engine will pick-up your work. So it might not react right away. As an instructor, I can tell you that you don’t want to try this. It’s fun to cog the system, but you could mess your own life up in the mean time.

A few days ago