A few days ago

Tips on being a spring semester student at college?

I will be going to college in January for the spring semester cuz I didnt get into my #1 college b/c of financial aid.

Anyway, i didnt know if you had any tips on paper work and things that you wish someone told you.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I had a roommate who transferred in the middle of the year. She thought she was going to be left out and that she wouldn’t fit in. She had no problem fitting in though. After a few classes she already had some people to talk to. They went to dinner and have been hanging out ever since. She had the impression that she wouldn’t find friends because she transferred after the fall but that isn’t true. Try to get involved in some things. Even if you end up not liking the activity, at least you gave it a shot and can stop it. You might make some friends along the way.

A few days ago
Probably the thing you need to prepare yourself for is the transition period and settling in. Most new college students begin in the fall and the colleges usually have more elaborate events and activities to help you meet other people, get to know the place, etc. They often have more involved orientation sessions and when spring semester begins, these things are highly abbreviated if they are offered at all.

Since most of the students are continuing from the previous semester, they have already settled into a routine, made friends, etc. That does not mean you can’t come in and be welcomed and accepted. But it does mean you may have to be more outgoing and assertive about making these things happen for yourself.

I’d suggest researching a couple groups/activities or intermural sports, etc. that you would enjoy and join right away. If you sing or play an instrument, you might join a university band or chorus as a way to meet people with some similar interest. Many schools have ensembles that anyone can join — you don’t have to be a music major.

Good luck!