A few days ago

SUNY Cortland Sports Management?

I’m looking for a School that offers Sports Management. One of the Schools that I was looking at was SUNY Cortland. I was wondering if anyone has been through their Sports Management Program and what it was like. Things you liked and things you didn’t like. Did you like the School in general? The Campus, Area etc? Your Experiences. I want to go into Sports Management, I just dont have a school in mind. I would go out of State but the tuition and other costs are usually 3xs as much. What do you reccomend? A good student looking for advice. Thanks, all answers are appreciated.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It make’s me sick to hear when people say a Sport Management degree is “fake.” Let this site speak for it self.http://www.nassm.com/InfoAbout/SportMgmtPrograms/United_States If it were a fake degree how come so many schools offer it. columbia yes Columbia offers a degree in Sport Management so it must be fake and not hold any real meaning in the world. Yea that makes a whole bunch of sense. Ha are you kidding me.

Yea people see “sport” and think of it as an easy way out. Those are the people who end up in the department stores or as a gym teacher. Although I question how do you become a gym teacher when sport management has 100% nothing to do with gym class. And yeah your not getting anywhere with a sport degree after one semester!!! It’s really like anything in life. The more you put in the more rewarding it’s going to be.

It’s really a great field to get into. And speaking of SUNY Cortland. I assume from your question you live in New York. It’s an awesome school. For a state school you’re going to get a great education and not pay an arm and a leg. You should for sure check out there program http://www.cortland.edu/spmg/home.htm

If you like what you see call them up. Talk to an advisor. Go there and visit talk to some students/professors in the program. You can’t decide your college major by listening to this, but it’s a start in the right direction.

My girlfriend goes there for sport management and loves it. It’s a really nice campus, it’s pretty easy to get around, and easy to get to, you just got to check it out. Like I said there’s ton’s of schools that have the degree. Some better then others for sure. But honestly from things I’ve read and people that I’ve talked to Cortland probably has a better program than a lot of out of state schools.

I recommend you check out Cortland since that was your first choice or what you are thinking about. But check out some other schools in the site ^^^. Just do your research. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or call a school.

Best of luck

after further research into it. If you’ll notice on top of the Sport Management website from Cortland. You’ll notice that the Sport Business Journal selected SUNY Cortland as a TOP NATIONAL PROGRAM in June of 07. just something else to look at. others on the list include Columbia, NYU, Northwestern. If that doesnt convince you Cortland’s got a darn good program I dont know what will.


6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.

SUNY Cortland Sports Management?
I'm looking for a School that offers Sports Management. One of the Schools that I was looking at was SUNY Cortland. I was wondering if anyone has been through their Sports Management Program and what it was like. Things you liked and things you didn't like. Did you like the School in…


A few days ago
Buddy I’ll tell you this once and only once: Do not major in sport management. I did for a semester and then dropped it after I talked to juniors and seniors who were stuck with that major and were pissed because they didn’t realize how much of a joke/fake major it is. When I decided to major in it I was thinking hey I’ll get a job with a baseball team or sports franchise after college and everything will be rosey. It’s not like that. seriously you end up working in a department store or as a gym teacher with that degree. Just major in something that is respected and that carries weight, because even if you still want to work in sports you can do so without a sport management degree. As a matter of fact I don’t think sports franchises and such would hire someone with such a fake degree, especially from a school (absolutely no offense intended but it isn’t nationally recognized) like SUNY-Cortland. Do you want to work in a Sports Department Store? I don’t think you do. Try something else, because after hearing so many things from so many sport management majors and researching it on the web it is a joke with no worth in the real world. The program will probably trick you or mislead you by offering you an internship with a professional sports team during your junior or senior year but afterwards you are on your own and getting into sports is more about who you know than what you know. Trust me and don’t waste four years essentially studying something that is completely worthless. Sports organizations will hire a business major over a sport management major any day of the week. Good luck kid and try your best in whatever you end up doing

5 years ago
Temple. You will be able to experience athletics at a much higher level (Division One vs. Division Three) and the networking opportunities will be better. Of course, for long term success, attending a liberal arts college and getting an education that has breadth and depth rather than training for a narrowly defined career may serve you better than either.

5 years ago
Was wondering this too