A few days ago

Single, working full time parent in college?

I work M-F, 8-5, hour commute each way. My son is in junior high, I have full custody. He needs help oftentimes with schoolwork. Needless to say, I have little if any spare time.

I’d like to finish up the second half of my college education and get my 4-year degree (2 more years worth) or get a paralegal certification. The programs for paralegal all entail in-class attendance (not online unless you already have a 4-yr degree).

I don’t see a way to do this without the main sacrifice being my son and I would never consider that. I have only nights and weekends with him so babysitters, etc. are out of the question.

How do people do it without abandoning their kids in the process or quitting their jobs?

Are grants/loans intended to take some of the place of working at a job? (part-time work instead of full time)?

If I could stop working all day, I could do it.

How do single parents finish college?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
skunk pie

Favorite Answer

Your son is in junior high, he doesn’t really need a baby sitter does he? My mother went to graduated school and worked full time while I was younger. I never felt abondoned. My father was around though, but sometimes he was working too. I looked after myself a lot, but it’s good for kids to learn to be independent. There’s a lot of attitude out there right now about how kids need mommy around 24/7, but that ends by the time you’re in junior high! You don’t want him to be a snivelling idiot who lives with you until he’s in his 40s do you? If anything I felt like my mother was finally doing something worth while with her life and proud of her, just being a mom? Not good enough, unless your selfish. Going back to school sets a great example for your son.

Take your classes in the evenings a few times a week so go part time to school until your son is a little bit older. He does need you, but not nearly as much as you think. If you can afford working part time and school full time, that would work well too.


A few days ago
look for some local private or government on a non profit organizations, there are Lot’s out there. example? the big brothers and sister org. or San Jose job corps. or county baby sitting . so if you found one pls. let me know? is this okay?