A few days ago

Since I already have a BBA, how many more years would I have to go to school to become a lawyer?

Since I already have a BBA, how many more years would I have to go to school to become a lawyer?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
hula wabbit

Favorite Answer

Two to three more years of law school. It depends on the school. The school I work at has a 3-year Juris Doctor program. Then you will be required to take the Bar Exam in the state you wish to practice.

Best wishes!


A few days ago
As mentioned above it’ll take around another three years to do so. Although I would highly recommend that you please go with this path only if you have a high passion for being a lawyer. Most people don’t realize this but lawyering, at least in the private sector, is in many ways a 100% commission sales job. It involves 50+ work hours and constantly having to promote yourself to potential clients. Very people oriented and customer service based. My sister works as an administrative assistant in a law firm, and she tells me of the weeks where the lawyers have to come in on Saturdays and Sundays due to the pressure of the cases. The money is great but so is the work. It’s why lawyers have the highest percentage of career changes out there, and have one of the highest turnover rates too.

Here’s some great info I found for you from the BLS government website. Lawyering is still a great and distinguished career to be in, with great money and great chances to make an impact out there in the real world. Even more so if you decide to work for the state, where D.A’s and state attorney’s are always a nice possibility. Good luck with your future career.



A few days ago
Most likely 3 years. You could do it in 2.5 if you take summer classes and a lot of credits.

Right now, I wouldn’t recommend law school. Job market is awful and it is only getting worse, unless you have a BS in hard sciences like engineering, biology, chemistry, etc.


A few days ago
narsimha l
i think you should study the complete course

ask in some college


