A few days ago

Questions about the University of Western Ontario Business and Richard Ivey School?

Questions about the reputation, job opportunity…etc of the University of Western Ontario Business and Richard Ivey School

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Check out the wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Western_Ontario This might help you out.

Good Luck!!!


5 years ago
Why do we insist on giving Mexico a break on not having the proper paperwork. Just like everyone else that comes here for a better life they should be held to the same standards. When we travel to other countries we have to have our passport with us to enter that country. If we are going to have laws then we should abide by them and stop letting illegals enter our country without the correct paperwork. I am not against anyone from coming the the United States but our laws should be enforced. Part of the problem is, that we don’t have secure borders and we hear it in the news all the time. I am sure everyone watches those shows about how many illegals they catch crossing the border everyday and the problems we are having with drugs getting across our border. Why not use the military more to guard our borders, isn’t that one of the reason why we have a military to protect our nation? It seems we talk about this topic all the time but nothing is being done to prevent it. What are you candidants going to do different that every other president hasn’t done? Who ever is elected we will still continue to have the same problems. So what is the point discussing it.