A few days ago

not ready for college?

school is about to start soon, and every time i think about going off to college i get really upset. ill have to leave my family and friends, and im starting to think that im not ready for the whole experience, or maybe im not mature enough yet. should i take a year off to work and grow up a bit?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

NO dude…..I was like that when I was going off to college. Give it about 2 weeks and you will start to enjoy it. It’s hard leaving home, leaving friends, but don’t take time out to work….I just graduated and am making big bucks! I hope to see you graduate in 4 years also!

A few days ago
skunk pie
What ever you do, don’t join the army!!

It can be hard to leave, but you’re going to have to go either way. Staying at home is not the way to maturity. It’s true though that not everyone is mature enough to go to college right after high school and sometimes going to college when you’re 18 is a mistake. For you, it sounds like you’re just afraid to leave home. Go for a semester or two and if you decide you’re not mature enough then take some time off. Do something interesting and then go back when you’re ready. College will always be there, but you should at least give it a try first.


A few days ago
Leaving home can be tough! Family, friends, and familar surroundings are all being left behind. Leaving will not be any easier next year. This is my advice. Go, go to college. Get massive phone cards, or up your cell minutes. Then you know that you can call whenever you feel the need for a friendly voice. It will be tough for the first couple of weeks. No soft soap here. New place, new people, new routines, just plain out and out new. If possible, have at least one of your parents take you to college as early as admissions will allow you to move in. Have the parent stay at a local hotel. Classes are not started yet, very few students are there. Set up your room with the parent, get all moved in and comfortable. Bring things from home that will ease you. Fav blankets and sheets, your desk lamp from home, pictures of everyone!With the parent wander the college. Go into any building that is open. Visit the library, the chow hall, the student union, etc. Get a feel for the campus. Does your college offer online sign up for classes? This is a great thing to do. Not only will you have support to pick your first classes, but when you arrive, you can pick up your class materials at the book store, with parent to ease up the stress factor. See what building your classes are in. The trick to picking classes, is to carry enough to go full time, and not have to many so that you are overwhelmed. And for heavens sake! Pick at least one class that you believe you will love! I took swimming, and history, cause those were my favs. Give it an honest try. Talk to the other students in you dorm. Say hi! to people sitting next to you in class. Remember all 100 level classes are for freshmen, everyone is alway from home, and out of their element and feeling much like you. I am talking as someone who went to college, and as a mom who sent two kids off to college. Set up a meet date with some family or special friends that will come a visit 3 or 4 weeks into school. You will have something to look forward to, and hopefully will have some new friends to meet your family.

A few days ago
Don’t wait sir. See yourself to be a grown up who can stand on his own am sure from the way you said it, that your family is very supportive and that’s why you don’t wish to move on to college. But remember once there you still have them you feel them and so work hard to help them too in future.

Ageing is still a process of time and the billionths of a second are still counting


A few days ago
Hate the ignorant
What ever you do, don’t wait. If you don’t go now, you will regret it. Your family and freinds will be their when you get out. I’m sure there supporting you. I am. Go dude, Go.

A few days ago
how about joining the army?