A few days ago

Moving away to college, worried grades will slip?

I’m moving from a community college to a university soon, and I’m worried that living away from home my grades will slip. What can I do to prevent this?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You have to plan and budget your time wisely. Set aside a certain amount of time to devote to your studying and schoolwork, nothing else. If doing your work in the library with fewer distractions makes that easier then that is what you need to do. When you are done with your work for the day, reward yourself with something you enjoy or plan your “fun time” immediately after your “study time”. Don’t forget to also factor in sleeping, eating, and just plain relaxing.

A few days ago
The biggest thing I must say that hurt my grades as a college student was PROCRASTINATION.

You usually receive a syllabus on the first day of class that outlines all the assignments and projects for the entire semester. Don’t wait to the last minute to do them.

I agree with the previous poster in that the library or other quiet spot is a great place to study. If you get in the routine of coming home from class and completing your assignments, you will be more likely to stay on the ball.

Also, talk to the professors a lot. You don’t have to be teacher’s pet and sit in the front row or necessarily, but make an effort to meet them. Ask the prof a question even if you already know the answer. Make comments in class and really participate. (Plus, it helps you retain the information better). Go by their office at least once the semester. It is not good to spend 3+ hours a week in a class with a semester and see them in Walmart and they have no idea who you are.

You will do fine in your university. Best in all you do.


A few days ago
barb j
Find a peaceful place to study besides the dorms: find a spot in the library for example that you consider “your” spot.

Yes, your grades might slip because you are responsible for more things on your own. Just keep your priorities straight and enjoy yourself too.


A few days ago
Be proactive in talking to your professors, as a previous post mentioned. If you let them know you want to do well in their class and are willing to put in the work, they will help you out more times than not. Just make sure to do your work on time and you will be fine.