A few days ago

It seems like everyone in my school majoring in biology wants to be a doctor. I’m a biology major and I want

to teach biology in college. Why do so many people want to be pre med. I laugh sometimes because I wouldn’t want some of the people in my classes operating on me. I know someone that has a 2.4 cumlative gpa and is about to graduate and she says that is about to apply to med school. Why do so many people want to be doctors.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It IS awful to think that so many biology majors think that the only career path is to become a medical doctor.

I’m a biology major, and I want to do neither of the options you posed. I don’t want to be a doctor (in the sense of medicine, or operating on patients), but obtain doctor of philosophy in my field. I don’t want to teach.

I want to RESEARCH! So many companies out there need biology researchers, and there are SO many fields and specialties for biology students, just no one realizes it.

I hope to one day do research in genetics, and maybe proteomics. There is so much left to be understood and discovered and I want to be part of that.


A few days ago
I’d say that so many Biology students want to become doctors out there in the world primarily because of the higher pay and the chance to make a bigger impact in their field. Teaching seems more individualized and monotonous to them, with the idea of teaching the same subject semester-in-semester-out not looking like a very fun thing to do.

Although becoming a biology teacher comes with great security. It’s a subject that’s practically in every major (at least on the core level) and comes with good pay nontheless. Good luck with your schooling.


5 years ago
There are a number of reasons for this, but in my college experience, I have found the following to be the most common reasons: – Pressure from family. This often occurs because their are doctors in the family, or because the family thinks that doctors are well off. Thus, they want their kids to be well off in life, so the parents pressure them to be doctors. – Wanting to make a difference. There are people who are genuinely concerned about others and want to make a difference in the world. One of the people that first comes to mind that would fit in this category for me with be Paul Farmer, who spent a lot of time working in Haiti to build up their medical system. There’s an interesting book on this, “Mountains Beyond Mountains” that you might like to read. – Enjoy chemistry/biology. There are some students enjoy learning about how the body works, or how chemicals react the way they do. Often, these students study pre-med because the most common careers for chemist and biologist is research or being a doctor.

A few days ago
the answer to this is all in how you look at it. I think that what is actually going on is that all the people who want to become doctors decide to major in biology because it is the quickest easiest way to meet all the med school prereqs. BTW, anyone with a 2.4 is wasting their time applying to med school in the US, but you never know, they may get into some caribbean med schoool

A few days ago
Thomas M
People want to be doctors because it’s extremely prestigious and highly paid, and also in the case of some, but not enough of them, because they want to help people.

Fortunately, medical schools are very selective and the medical boards are difficult, so there’s little worry about the woman with the 2.4 GPA actually achieving her dream. It amazes me when I read YA! and see so many people who want to be doctors and clearly lack the ability to do that job without hurting a lot of people, but want advice for shortcuts they could take to get into medical school.


A few days ago
My father was a biology major, and was a Biology Professor at the same university for 33 years, and he loved his job.
