A few days ago
nad n

is there anyone who can provide me an example of?

evaluation letters frm lecturers/supervisors to take up MBA?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here is one:

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to serve as my formal recommendation for Andrew Fuller. Andrew has been my direct assistant for several years. He has been interested in obtaining an MBA degree for some time now and I feel that he would be an excellent candidate for your esteemed program.

During his time here, Andrew has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a dedication to success. His efforts have produced high quality results time and time again. Last year, Andrew developed and successfully implemented a plan to streamline our production department. The plan was a major undertaking, requiring a great deal of thought and effort on Andrew’s behalf.

Though Andrew is my assistant, he is also in an unofficial leadership role. Many of his co-workers seek his advice and support. Andrew is always there for them and is quite comfortable in the role. I feel his budding leadership abilities will become even more effective in a business school setting.

For these reasons, I highly recommend Andrew Fuller as a candidate for your MBA program. If you have any questions regarding Andrew or this recommendation, please contact me.


John Thomas Operations Manager Tri-State Directories

Here is another:

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to serve as my formal recommendation for Andrew Fuller. Andrew has been my direct assistant for several years. He has been interested in obtaining an MBA degree for some time now and I feel that he would be an excellent candidate for your esteemed program.

During his time here, Andrew has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a dedication to success. His efforts have produced high quality results time and time again. Last year, Andrew developed and successfully implemented a plan to streamline our production department. The plan was a major undertaking, requiring a great deal of thought and effort on Andrew’s behalf.

Though Andrew is my assistant, he is also in an unofficial leadership role. Many of his co-workers seek his advice and support. Andrew is always there for them and is quite comfortable in the role. I feel his budding leadership abilities will become even more effective in a business school setting.

For these reasons, I highly recommend Andrew Fuller as a candidate for your MBA program. If you have any questions regarding Andrew or this recommendation, please contact me.


Hope this helps, I also listed a couple of sites you can visit to get more.

Best of luck, Savvy


A few days ago
go open a small biz of your own and run it successfully for 2 yrs. Show the teachers

your P and L and balance sheet.

YOU will not need any reference letters if you do that.